Monday, December 20, 2010
the godfather in me

Friday, December 10, 2010
search and you will find
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
my great ordeal
Even before this ordeal has come to an end, I have long and firmly decided to account it in any manner I can. I believe that this ordeal deserves a narrative in the pages of history of my existence.
In order for me to account and narrate it in a comprehensive and detailed manner, I would like to present the chronology of proceedings of this ordeal. The most trying times of my life.

February 24, 2010 –Wednesday - my one year and 1 month and 29 days working with Mcdonalds Singapore. It was a closing shift for me at Mcdonalds Chinatown Point, my work started at 4:00 pm and ended at 1:30 am of February 25, 2010. At the end of my shift I have surely deposited the sales for the shift amounting to 2,705.95 Singapore Dollars with the deposit bag number C3838663.
February 25, 2010 – it was my off day, Thursday. I just stayed at home and enjoy the moment with my bed.
February 26, 2010 –Friday - I did the opening shift at Mcdonalds Lucky Chinatown Point, my work started at 6:30 am and ended at 3:30 pm. As a payroll manager at the time, it has been my practice to go to the main store at Mcdonalds Chinatown Point to do some administrative works, keying of leaves and filing documents with regards to payroll.
Naomi, a senior manager and colleague at Mcdonalds ask me if I can accompany her to Mcdonalds People’s Park, Mcdonalds Great World City and Mcdonalds Raffle’s City for us to see and check on their Crew Incentive programs.
Even if I had to go to airport and fetch my auntie, I said yes to Naomi. It took us until 5:30 pm before we parted ways and before I headed to the Budget Terminal to fetch my auntie.
When I was on my way to the airport via MRT I received a call from Hairul, the depositing manager and broke me the news that the money under my name and in which I deposited on February 24, 2010 was missing. My heart began to pound so fast and quickly responded to Hairul to please double check the vault with mind that the money should only be there. After a while and after exchange of several short messaging service Hairul called me again confirming to me that the bag was really missing.
When I reached the Changi Airport, I again received a call from my Restaurant Manager Jim Neo with a fiercefull voice asking me if I don’t know how serious the problem is. I answered him back and say ,I know its serious and I said I will be going back to the store after I fetch my auntie from the airport.
My mind is started to be puzzled on what really happened.
I was able to fetch my auntie, we took the cab and I just dropped her in front of our block and I instructed the driver to bring me to Chinatown Point. Even before I reached Chinatown Point, I received a forwarded text message from Eric Er, our Business Consultant through my Restaurant Manager saying that all managers need to come down to the store at 10:00 pm for some interrogation.
I reached the store first before my RM Jim Neo. I borrowed the vault key to Hairul and checked for myself the vault but I found nothing. Jim came and he also did his own checking, again there was nothing to be found of the missing deposit bag.
Then came the rest of the managers Melissa Lee, Sunny Rui, Naomi Quek, Stanley and Alvin Chong among others.
I was the last to be interrogated by my Business Consultant Eric Er and judging from his actions, reactions and gestures, his manner of questioning seems that he is convinced I took the money.
It was a very disheartening moment for me, as if I am in a battle that I am alone and no one would like to believe me. Same questions were ringing to my ear, “Did you take the money?” and with conviction I answered, “I did not take the money”
Eric Er came out of the room and had a stick of cigarette. He roamed around and walked in the manager’s office, checked the deposit log and endorsement slip which I made.
February 27, 2010 – 12:00 am – I was still in the store at Chinatown Point, It was a very long day, I am exhausted, drained, empty, and my heart is in so much pain and my mind is so inundated with many things to think.
Eric Er asked me again for a moment of serious talk, time and again, he would ask me the same question, “Did you take the money?”. With the premise of my state of being at that time, Eric Er started to sell the idea of helping me and with great regret I bought his idea. He said, “Castro, I will help you.” If you admit it we will pay the money, Jim and I will help you. We will call the office that we found the bag inside the store and the case is close. A well-trained Business Consultant in handling grievances succeeded in letting me admit the accusation.
Yes, I admit the accusation. Believing in the words and promise of Eric Er and for my sole reason that I wanted to close and finish the case and move on.
All the while I thought that we will just be making stories for the head office to know when I admitted it, Eric Er purely and entirely believe that I really took the money, we were on opposite ends, we were like parallel lines that will never meet.
I wrote an admission letter, a real fiction creatively written.
He asked me where I spent the money, asked me for receipts of my spending and when I was not able to produce the receipts he asked me once again, “Castro, did you really take the money?” and I said, “I really did not take the money that is why I am not able to produce and give you receipts. Then he gave me back the 1000 Singapore dollars which I gave Eric Er that will form part to pay the missing money. Then they left and I was not able to retrieve the admission letter I wrote.
It was 2:00 am that I have laid my back on my bed, my body was resting but my mind was not.
Before this incident, I had a commitment with my high school friends, a get together at Jemmy’s place. We were happy seeing each other but they do not know what I have gone through the night before. As trusted friends, I shared with them my difficulty, I told them that I need to go by 3:00 in the afternoon and leave early for I have a meeting with my Business Consultant Eric Er and Business Manager Victor Ang with regards to the case. I felt the sadness of my friends and I have brought with me their support and trust.
The Coffee Bean shop was the meeting place just near the Mcdonalds Chinatown Point. There were Er and Ang, they had the same question over again, “Did you take the money?” I said, “I did not take the money!” Then they start to frighten me that if I am not going to admit the accusation they will bring me to the police, that I need to pay a bail of 10,0000 Singapore dollars, that I will be deported, that I will be detained for 48 hours in prison etcetera etcetera.
I told them that if the police can help me, and the only way that will prove my innocence then let us go to the police.
4:00 in the afternoon, we reached the Police Cantonement Complex at Outram Park together with Jim Neo, Eric Er and myself to lodge a police report. We waited for so long that the police officers assigned on the report area are junior officers that they do not know what to do so we waited for a senior police investigator for about 4 hours.
After the long wait, we were attended by Senior Police Investigator Tho Ah Song. The officer talked to Eric Er for few minutes and then the officer talked to me and asked me the side of my story.
The officer asked me to stay behind while my bosses went home. The officer brought me to their office for some interrogation.
I was very terrified during the instance, little by little I am preparing myself for the worst thing that could happen. A overnight stay in jail.
There were three officers who were alternately asking me if I took the money and their voices and acts imply a great fear on my part.
I was sending messages to my sister and brother-in-law keeping them informed of what is happening to me inside the police station. The police then asked me to refrain from using my hand phone.
February 28, 2010 – Sunday – 1:00 am – After the police have finished the police report, Police Officer Tho Ah Song decided to sent me home, in return that I surrender my passport to them. I did what I was told, I asked my friend Melvin to go home and take the passport.
The worry of staying in jail is over, we were in a cab and heading for home. While inside the taxi, I grabbed and held tight the hand of my friend and tears fell out of my eyes and I whispered, “Ang hirap pala”.
2:00 am – I was lying in my bed ready to sleep bit by bit I am feeling the physical pain and the climax of my emotional torment. My body is resting but my mind has just continued to think. Thinking of when this will end, what will happen to me, why is this happening, where should I go next and how will I survive this?
9:00 am – My brother-in-law and I decided to go and consult the Philippine Embassy for some legal advise and help. We were welcomed by Third Secretary and Vice-Consul Mr. Jed Martin Llona. To sum it up, the embassy did not play an important role in my case from start to finish, they did not intervene, they did not take any action, they treated it as a normal case, a not so important case that does require immediate attention. The Vice-Consul said that since I am an S-Pass holder, they cannot give free lawyers because it is only for those Domestic Workers that they give free lawyers. He gave us a list of lawyers should the case elevated to its worst scenario. Then I have pondered, “Pilipino din naman ako, bakit ganun?”
March 1, 2010 – I was suspended from work until March 4, 2010. Mcdonalds Human Resource Department have done their own investigation. Present were Irene Tay, Human Resource Executive, Patricia Yong, Head of Human Resource and Development and Eric Er, Business Consultant. Their line of questioning was the same, they treated me as if I am guilty, they have not shown any compassion, as if they are very sure that I took the money. They speak of People Value but on that day I felt I was not valued, I was a trash in their eyes. It was like a dot in a clean sheet of a bond paper, they just saw the small dot but they never saw the big white bond paper.
March 5, 2010 – I was again at Mcdonalds Head Office, they have decided to dismiss me and stop my connection to Mcdonalds. They have cancelled my work pass and gave me a social visit pass up until April 5, 2010.
In that span of 30 days, with great eagerness, I have decided to find a new job. Starbucks called me up for an interview. I had my OJE (on job evaluation) at Starbucks Simei then after I had a final interview with Allison Ferrao the District Manager for Starbucks and eventually had let me sign a Letter Offer dated April 6, 2010.
The District Manager scheduled me an appointment at their head office for the application of my work pass, unfortunately, when they asked me of the pass I am currently holding I showed them a special pass issued by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority and it is clearly stated that I am in a special pass because of police investigation.
I thought Starbucks all along with all my application process, they knew my status, given that I have explained and reiterated my story to my initial interview with Sam of Starbucks Terminal 2 Changi Airport, but the Human Resource Department was a bit surprise. The human resource personnel did not oppose of the application she said that they will apply a pass for me. I waited for three weeks for their call, until I decided to call them and they just said it was rejected. I was saddened; my ray of hope seems to be dimming at that time.
I was under Special Pass when my 30-day social visit pass issued by Mcdonalds ended. The police officer issued me a letter addressed to the ICA to issue me the said pass.
April 1, 2010 to April 28, 2010 – my first special pass duration. My dilemma of finding a job even come to worst. I have been to a several job interviews and I have been very honest with what happened on my previous employer, but it seems none of them want to take the risk of hiring me. I felt so useless, so inadequate and incompetent.
My desire to look for a job suddenly decline, I have perceived it as a waste of time. I need to finish and close the pending case at the police before I apply, before I can be hired.
The police officer keeps on giving me false hopes on my case, he said he will help me and give him time to investigate on the case.
He said that I will be undergoing the polygraph test ( lie-detector test ), that if I pass the test I can go back to Philippines and close the case. I have waited patiently for the schedule of my polygraph test.
I have an idea of a polygraph test but I do not know what it is to be undergoing it. I researched the net and read some information regarding polygraph test. I know in my heart I will pass the test but I cannot assure the physiological state of my body during the test proper, I am worried.
April 28, 2010 to May 27, 2010 – my second special pass duration. Still in waiting for the schedule of the polygraph test. I have busied myself at home, taking care of my niece. At the same time looking for institutions, groups, NGO’s that can help me with the case.
I remember David Gates, a Filipino lawyer here in Singapore whom I knew because of my Tita Nerie. They were seatmates in a flight bound to the Philippines during the ravage of typhoon Ondoy last September of 2009. My Tita Nerie served as a Good Samaritan to him, offered helped by bringing David Gates to a safe place in Bulacan during the typhoon. David Gates was my legal adviser during the time, he explained to me very well how it s to have a situation like mine in Singapore. When to hire a lawyer, what to do next and to his own words and compassion made me understand the whole scenario in its legalities. David Gates had also referred me to a Criminal Lawyer by the name of Rashida, if in case the situation elevated to court proceedings. They were blessings to me.
It was also during this time my girlfriend for four years broke up with me, and the details I would like to keep myself.
During this time I have always asked myself, “What have I done wrong in my 28 years of existence to deserve these trials?” then I started to question and doubt HIM.
May 27, 2010 to June 23, 2010 – my third special pass duration. Still in waiting for my polygraph test. I am starting to be defeated by my emotions, my mind cannot and do not know what to think, my spirituality is decaying, not to mention the financial aspect of it.
During this time I have written correspondence to the Singapore Head of Criminal Investigation Department, Susan Ople, a champion of OFW, Ramon Tulfo. I have also managed to utilize Twitter but none of them seem to take notice of my plea. I have also come to avail of a free legal counsel at the Holy Trinity Parish Church in Tampines just to gather advise and clear some gray areas on my mind.
Like any mother, my mother was very much worried about me and honestly, I have feared for her life than mine. The very reason I have always showed and conveyed her strength every time she would call and not give her any sign of weakness even though deep inside my heart is struggling and weeping.
It has also come to a point where I decided to be incarcerated just for practical reasons and to put an end to the whole scenario. I told my sister that if the case reached the court just let me go in jail. We do not have the money to support the battle. Three thousand ( 3000.00 ) Singapore dollars for the initial payment of the lawyer and two thousand ( 2000.00) Singapore dollars for every appearance and every hearing of the case and we do not have the money. I just thought that if I will be put in jail there is a definite end to the case and from there I can move on.
June 23, 2010 to July 23, 2010 – my fourth special pass duration. Still in abstract wait for the polygraph test. During this period,another Filipino had a case with Mcdonalds similar to my case, his name is Ismael Soriano. We were together during our first interview with Mcdonalds, same period that we are hired and we are good friends. Ismael knew of my case that is why we were in contact during his ordeal, I was giving him advise then, eventually he was also dismissed from Mcdonalds. We were two victims going nowhere and we draw strength from each other.
I was luckier than Ismael because he does not have any relative or sister here in Singapore like I do and he has a family of is own in the Philippines that needs to be financially supported.
For a while Ismael and I were together looking for job, finding assistance and finding comfort to each other. Our feet led us to Migrant Workers Center, our quest also led us to H.O.M.E ( Humanitarian Organization for Migrant Economics ), a shelter for foreign workers that needs assistance and help. We were looking for a place to stay for Ismael for he has no place to stay at that time but the shelter cannot accommodate him.
We met Valli, a social worker from HOME and she has mentioned that the Ministry of Manpower is offering jobs for those Special Pass holders. Our heart suddenly jumped for excitement, we have never imagined and thought that Singapore government has such thing. The next day we rushed at Kim Seng Street, satellite branch of the Ministry of Manpower only to find out that those are for special pass holders that has problems with employers and not vice versa. We felt so miserable.
Ismael needed to endure just two months before his case came to a sweet end. He has finished his polygraph test, the result of it and was given a Notice of Warning, that if in the future the same complain happen, he will be directly prosecuted in court. I felt genuinely happy for Ismael and somehow I felt sad for myself.
The next day I was eager to sent electronic mails to those possible people, organization and individual who can help me. I sent mails to the Prime Minister, to the Chief of Police, the Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs and all those in the directory of the Singapore Police Force and my letter reads:
Greeting of Peace.
I am Aristhotel D. Castro, a Filipino, who has a pending police case investigation under Senior Police Investigator Tho Ah Song. The case was a theft case filed against me by my former employer Mcdonalds Restaurant Private Ltd. dated February 27, 2010 at your Central Police Headquarters in Cantonement Complex
As per Investigator Tho Ah Song, I will be scheduled for a polygraph test in order for me to move on with the development of the case, that if in case the results will be negative I will be cleared. Unfortunately there have been no clear schedules given to me on the said polygraph test as of this day. It has been a patient wait for me for the past 4 months.
In relation, I have a colleague at the same company who has also the same case, same nature filed at Tanglin Police dated May 29, 2010 and he had been polygraph on June 17, 2010 and June 30, 2010 the case was closed and have given his passport to go back to the Philippines. It just took 1 month for the whole investigation.
This is to seek your help and appeal to your good office to please help me expedite the schedule of my polygraph test and of the case, for personal reasons that I need to go back to the Philippines and visit my ailing mother who is getting weaker each day passes by because of my situation and I do not have the financial strength to stay longer here in Singapore because of high cost of living specially for an unemployed like me.
I hope that foreigner like me will be given equal treatment, justice and humane accordance.
I do hope that attention will be given in this plea and receive my advance gratitude for whatever response you will accord me.
Aristhotel D. Castro
The very next day the investigator assigned, Tho Ah Song, called me and asked me if I wrote a letter to his superior and I said yes. He was a bit irritated because he felt that he was perceived by his superior as he was doing nothing with regards to my case. The same day I received an electronic mail saying that I am scheduled for a polygraph test on July 6, 2010 at 10:00 in the morning. I saw a spark of light to my dimming future.
July 9, 2010 – Polygraph Test. I was early in the police station. I came early so as not to be hurried and to be relaxed. It was in the 23rd floor, then the Polygraph Expert called me in the testing room, oriented me on the dos and donts of the test. There was a Filipino interpreter, although I could understand the English language I opted to ask for her assistance. Then the officer put on me the wires on my chest, stomach, fingers, and on my arms. I can hear clearly my heart pounding and my breathing not the usual rate.
There were ten questions. Some of which related to the February 26, 2010 incident and some are non-related questions. They asked me five times the same set of questions.
The test took about five hours and the officer has done his job very well. Before I left the room, he told me that he cannot reveal the results, that I need to wait for about a week for the result. The result of the test would be one of the three: inconclusive, (cannot interpret) truthful (telling the truth) and deceptive (telling a lie).
I knew in my heart and in my conscience that all my answers are truthful enough to resolve and finish the case.
A week after the test, I received again a call from officer Tho Ah Song asking me if when is the expiration date of my special pass and I quickly said it will be expired on July 23, 2010. Consequently, I send a message to the officer Ah Song asking him if the Polygraph Test results are already out and he said yes but he cannot reveal the results to me. Somehow, there was a feeling of relief for me at that time because they did not urgently require me to report to the police station. I thought that my journey will soon come to its end but a more complicated and unthinkable is soon to take place.
July 23, 2010 to August 6, 2010. My last extension of the special pass. The investigator asked me to give him all the necessary documents, evidence that will help in assessing the case. He asked for my bank account. The address where I do remittances to the Philippines and including my brother-in-law’s remittance account. I gave them what they needed without hesitation.
All the while I thought it will be over. But when the investigator say that I need to extend my stay here in Singapore because they will be referring the case to the Attorney-General’s Chamber or the Public Prosecutor’s Office who will decide if I am going to be charge in court based on the gathered evidence. I was feeling numb during the time I am hearing those words. As if I am just starting a new battle. If in case the Public Prosecutor’s decide to charge me with a case, it’s the end of me. It’s a long way battle to go.
From July 23, 2010 to August 6, 2010 were my sleepless nights. Even if I close my eyes the thought of it is killing me. My fate and my future is in the hands of the Attorney-General.
August 4, 2010. Wednesday – The happiest day of my life. I received a call from the officer handling my case, asking my whereabouts. I said I am just at home in Sengkang, then I asked, “Is it good news?”. Then the officer said yes, the big boss say you can go back to your country. I was jumping for joy. It was an unexplainable. I rushed to my Tita Nerie and hugged him as if I was a kid. It was a very wonderful moment. It was great and astonishing. The documents and my thoughts are one in content. I was not guilty
In the afternoon, I immediately reported to the police station and the officer handed me a letter for the ICA to cancel my special pass. The letter was sealed and the officer said I should not open it. But my curiosity is at its best. I made a way to see the content of the letter. I put the envelope near a tube light so that I can read the content. I was successful in doing so and some of the content reads:
August 9, 2010 – MY JOURNEY HOME. The immigration has extended my pass until August 9, 2010. I need to exit or leave Singapore, but I decided to go home. It feels so good, there was a complete peace of mind, I am going home.

I have always told my friends who knew of what happened, “Hindi ko naisip, ni sa hinagap na mangyayari sa akin ang tulad nito, kahit ano pala ang gawin mong pagpapakabuti sa buhay tiyak na tiyak na susubukin ka ng tadhana. Dagdag ko pa, sa 29 na taon ng buhay ko, ako naman ay nagpakabuti, tumutulong sa abot ng aking makakaya, naglilingkod sa Diyos at sa palagay ko ay naging mabuti naman akong anak, kaya hindi kayang saklawin ng aking isip kung bakit ito nangyari.
Gayunman naisip ko, every trial and suffering has a purpose, at kung ano man yun, sa palagay ko ay akin nang natutunan at natunghayan.
I have realized and understood life fully.
Salamat sa lahat ng mga kaibigan na nanatiling kaibigan sa oras ng aking hilahil. Sa simpleng text at tawag ng pagungumusta, sa paniniwala sa aking pagkatao, they never showed any doubt that I cannot do such thing. I do not even have to explain a single thing or the details. Tunay ngang lalong kuminang ang salitang kaibigan sa aking isip at puso. At aminado ako, mas pinahahalagahan ko ang aking mga kaibigan sa mga sandaling ito ng aking buhay.
Thank you to my sister and brother-in-law, for all the unending support and confidence. I am so lucky to have one sister who’s maturity and outlook in life has done me well on this trial. May mga oras na pinanghinaan ako ng loob at pilit na ibinabagsak ng aking emosyon pero salamat na lang sa aking kapatid at bayaw na siyang matiyagang nagpapaalala sa akin na lumaban at maging matatag. Also not to forget is my beautiful niece, Raven Agatha Flores who had been my constant source of joy and keep on saying on my face that there is so much to live and to be happy about.
Salamat kay Tita Nerie at sa aking Dakilang Ina, sa mga di matatawarang pag-alala at mga dalisay na panalangin. They have helped me pushed my prayers and substituted for me during the times that I forgot to pray.
Thank you to some of the Filipino managers at Mcdonalds whom I have treated and have treated me also as a friend. They have shown support to my battle and thank you for just simply believing.
Salamat din sa mga naging kalahok ng Willie of Fortune ng Wowowee. May mga umiiyak sa mga problema, may mga tunay na galak kahit naghihirap at iba pa. I have consistently watched it and from there I had a complete grasp of how lucky I am in spite of what happened. Tunay ngang napakaraming mga dapat ipagpasalamat sa buhay na ito. Huwag nating hanapin ang mga bagay na kulang sa atin bagkus hanapin natin ang kung ano ang meron tayo sa kasalukuyan at ipagpasalamat ito.
Pabiro kong nasabi minsan matapos ang lahat ng ito, You will never want or wish to become ARISTHOTEL D. CASTRO. It takes a lot of courage, strength, perseverance, bravery, moral fiber, spirit and specially faith.
Nagpasalamat. Nagpapasalamat. Magpapasalamat.
To God be the glory.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
mga kaanak ni maria at ignacia...isang balik-tanaw (sma hs batch of 1997)

Monday, May 31, 2010
the truth in politics....a tuts' eyeview ( 2004 and 2007 elections )
Friday, May 28, 2010
and your host....